In Reception, children engage in learning through a mixture of play and exploration, and adult led focus lessons. We aim to develop independent and curious individuals who are ready for the journey into Key Stage 1 and beyond.
At Gonville Academy, we provide children with a wide range of activities, both indoors and outdoors, to facilitate their progress towards achieving the Early Learning Goals and meeting a Good Level of Development by the end of the academic year.
Gonville Academy adheres to the national Early Years Foundation Stage Framework, which comprises the seven primary developmental areas. During their time in Nursery, children primarily focus on the three Prime Areas:
These Prime Areas serve as the foundation building blocks for your child’s healthy development and future learning.
As children progress, these Prime Areas lay the groundwork for the development of skills in the four Specific Areas:
Our teachers carefully plan activities tailored to the unique needs of each learner to ensure that our Reception children receive a solid foundation that equips them for the next stage of their education in Year 1.